This book gives a practical answer to the existential question that faces the collective future of the European Man. It is a call to action, and to this end, the author presents a formula that he calls Legitimate Preference, giving us real-world examples of its application.
Having become alienated from their roots and fellow man by the experience of modernity and currently running the existential risk of being replaced in their homelands, Europeans need a new ethos to spur them on to flourish into the next century and beyond.
This book presents such an ethos. The author argues that what is needed is a will and a shared vision of the future that excites and communicates the emotions of people of European descent.
Legitimate Preference is the first step on the road towards this new and invigorated purpose, all the while taking the modern experience into account, not denying modernity, but embracing the fact of the contemporary condition and moving beyond it.
This book is easy to read and accessible to everyone.